We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
Lately, not many things seem to be working together for good, Lord. I am not complaining, just stating it like it is. This pain, this loss this emptiness I cant see the silver lining in it. But of course, I don't see as far down the road as You do... I just don't see how loosing my child suppose to work out in my favor.
I pray for a sense of Your grand vision. Help me take every disappointing event, every loss, all the pain, the emptiness, answer, and outcome and look at it from Your perspective
. I may not see evidence of Your plan, so let me rest in my knowledge of Your love, Grant my heart peace when I am uncertain of the road I travel, Lord. I will keep moving, one foot in front of the other because I have been called to good things.